
Prof Gina Brown was awarded her Chair in Gastrointestinal Imaging at Imperial College London in 2015 and is also Consultant Radiologist for Imperial College NHS Foundation Trust.

Her research in colorectal cancer staging has set the national and global benchmarks for imaging assessment of colon and rectal cancer patients before and during treatment. These improved staging methods have resulted MRI based strategies being incorporated into several guidelines such as peer review measures, UK NICE and guidelines.

Mr Arnold Goede has been a Consultant Surgeon in Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust since 2011. His expertise includes advanced endoscopic procedures such as colonoscopy and polypectomy

Recently he has started Robotic Surgery in the NHS for patients with bowel and rectal cancer undergoing major surgery, and also Transanal Minimally Invasive Surgery using the TAMIS platform, to remove large benign polyps or early rectal cancers in selected patients.

Invited Guest Faculty

Prof James East is one of Europe’s leading colonoscopists. He works as a Consultant Gastroenterologist and Endoscopist, and is an Associate Professor, based at the Translational Gastroenterology Unit, John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford and Mayo Clinic Healthcare London

For the last decade he has been the Clinical Lead for Endoscopy at the John Radcliffe and Director of Bowel Cancer Screening Oxfordshire

Prof Iris Nagtegaal is Professor of Gastrointestinal Pathology since 2013 and theme leader of the research theme: Tumours of the digestive tract. She is gastrointestinal pathologist in the Radboudumc and expert pathologist of the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.

Her main research interest focuses on personalized pathology of colorectal cancer: improving patients prognosis by providing evidence based diagnosis and basis for treatment.

Mr Roel Hompes is an honorary fellow of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS). He specializes in minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopy and TAMIS), and the management of colorectal cancer.

He has a strong interest in the management of early rectal cancer and transanal approaches for rectal cancer. The lower GI departement of the AUMC is one of the leading centres world wide in this field.

Mr Stephen Boyce trained in Edinburgh, and undertook specialist minimally-invasive colorectal surgery Fellowships in Sydney and Brisbane.

His predominant interest is in minimally-invasive techniques for treating patients with rectal cancer, including robotic surgery.

He is a Regional Surgical Advisor for the RCSEd.

Mr Francesco Di Fabio is involved in the management of patients with rectal cancer and he runs a dedicated Rectal Cancer Clinic. His clinical expertise also includes management of patients with significant colorectal polyps.

In 2018 he set up a dedicated Significant Polyp and Early Colorectal Cancer (SPECC) Multidisciplinary Team Meeting to support clinicians and patients in the decision-making process.

Mr Amyn Haji was appointed as a Consultant in Colorectal and Laparoscopic Surgery at King’s College Hospital in 2011

His research and clinical interests are in utilization of high frequency colonoscopy ultrasound in the staging of colorectal polyps and cancer. He has developed a practice of endoscopic mucosal resection and endoscopic submucosal dissection in the treatment of colorectal polyps. He uses advanced endoscopic techniques and is an expert in interventional endoscopy.

Dr Adriana Martinez trained in Medicine at ‘Universidad CES’ in Medellin, Colombia and pursued her postgraduate training in the United Kingdom.

She has been a Consultant Gastro-intestinal Pathologist and Dermatopathologist at Northwick Park and St Mark’s Hospitals since 2007. She is the Clinical Lead for Histopathology.

Dr Kevin Monahan is Consultant Gastroenterologist at the Family Cancer Clinic & the Wolfson Unit for Endoscopy and Co Director of The St Mark’s Centre for Familial Intestinal Cancer

He undertook his PhD at Cancer Research UK and St Mark’s Hospital, and has an interest in prevention and early detection of cancer, particularly in the field of endoscopy, colorectal, pancreatic and other gastrointestinal cancers.

Dr Noriko Suzuki has been a member of the staff at St Marks since 1998 and an honorary consultant specialist endoscopist since 2004.

She trained in medicine at Osaka City University and completed specialist training in Japan.  Her interests include the prevention, diagnosis and management of intestinal diseases utilising endoscopy. She has a particular interest in complex therapeutic endoscopy such as endoscopic submucosal dissection.

Rachel is a Registrar in General and Colorectal Surgery in Wessex Deanery, and is currently undertaking a Clinical Research Fellowship at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust with Prof Gina Brown at Imperial College London.

She has research and clinical interests in the management of Early Rectal Cancer and is the PRESERVE Trial Research Fellow.